My honest opinion of this class is that it was challenging but great. It was fun and involving most of the time. It was a lot of work and I wish I had pushed myself harder in some areas. I'm not at a loss of good things to say about my teacher and my peers when I hear about other drawing classes. I wish I could of researched more about the artist we were given and wrote more in my sketchbook. Sometimes the class was boring and sometimes (I don't mean to offend) Jason talked too much about conté, but those times were few and far between. I believe that there should be more "Bring your own music" days, just a bit more, not too many. It reached my expectations, I felt like emphasis was placed on a lot of areas of drawing that were needed. I learned a lot about my strengths and my weaknesses. Landscape is one of my weaknesses, that's why I put an old one I did as the picture for this post. What else can I say about the class? I don't think that there are many things funner than getting to draw all day and learning and perfecting techniques. That in itself made it a good class regardless.